Spring 2021 Newsletter

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April 2021

Newsletter brought to you by…
2021/2022 Barranca Mesa Pool Board Members

  • Jeremy Best…………….President

  • Tim Foley………………..Vice President

  • Amelia Epperson……….Employment

  • Jorg Jansen……………..House

  • Nina Epperson………..….Membership

  • Sarah Work………………Secretary

  • Jenn Best………………...Treasurer

We are always looking for more support and volunteers! Specifically, we would like to have a Member at Large for this season. If you are interested, please contact us at: board@barrancapool.com.

If you have questions or comments for the Board, please contact them directly via phone or e-mail, addresses found on the website.

President’s Message

Dear Present and Future Members and Renters,

Last year was challenging for us all. We appreciate all the input and patience from our members as we figured out how to operate within state guidelines. We are hoping for a better summer!

According to current guidance from the New Mexico Environmental Department (dated 24 Feb 2021), time at the pool looks less restrictive this year. At Turquoise Level, we can operate at 75% capacity (130 members). At Green Level, we can operate at 50% capacity (86 members). At Yellow Level, we can operate at 33% capacity (57 members). Please keep in mind these numbers and guidelines can change at any time, based on government restrictions. Check our website (www.barrancapool.com) for updates to the summer schedule due to COVID-19 restrictions.


Pending guidance from the state, we will have a group swim lesson schedule posted with sign ups on the website.

There will be no snack bar this summer based on current state guidelines.

Regarding season fees:

• The assessment for 2021 is $500 ($455 base assessment plus $45 work deposit).

• To get them in, you may fill out the forms electronically and pay online via our website, OR print all forms and waivers found on our website under “Membership” and send a check to: BMPA, P.O. Box 4, Los Alamos NM 87544. All assessments must be paid by 1 May to avoid a late fee of $25. Please keep in mind your full assessment must be paid even if you do not intend to use the pool during the season.

• We plan to hold our Spring work party on 8 May. Each work party begins at 9:00 a.m. and lasts for three to four hours. It’s a great opportunity to learn how the pool operates, work alongside other members, as well as earn your work deposit back.

Currently, the Board and staff are working hard on plans to get Barranca Mesa Pool up and running for the 2021 season. Please make sure you and your family members are familiar with all rules and regulations, found online and in the pool lobby; rule observance shows respect to the other members of BMPA.

Important Dates for 2021

May 8th, Saturday Season opening Work Party 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

May 29th, Saturday Pool officially opens for season

Sept 6th, Monday Pool Closes for the season

Sept 11th, Saturday Pool Closing Work Party 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Get to know our Manager: Caleb Kerstiens

Hello everyone, my name is Caleb Kerstiens and I am Barranca Pool’s Manager for the upcoming summer! This will be my fourth year working at the pool, and I look forward to helping be a part of what makes this pool so awesome. I will be a senior in High School this upcoming year and am a member of the Los Alamos High School swim team. A main goal of mine for this summer is to try and make this summer at the pool as normal as possible, all while maintaining our COVID safe practices. I plan to work hard and do my best to make this summer the best one yet!

Caleb Kerstiens