BMPA Members,
In June of 1966, Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech in which he stated, “Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.” We now all find ourselves in interesting times and it certainly is encouraging creative thinking as we attempt to plan for this summer.
Your Board has been working tirelessly behind the scenes with the very limited guidelines given by the New Mexico Environment Department (who conducts the annual inspection and issues the permit for swimming pools). Contractors have been scheduled to prepare the pool for the opening work party.
With the stay-at-home order being extended until at least May 15th, our work party is tentatively scheduled for May 16th. We will be working within all guidelines given to us by NMED, possibly on a truncated schedule and keeping safety foremost in mind.
Assessments are due by the work party, per our bylaws and guidelines. We are sensitive to these uncertain times, though, and all late fees will be waived. Without member support, this pool (like other members-only pools in this community) will cease to exist. This is YOUR pool.
There is a short COVID-19 FAQ section on our website:, as well as the history of the pool in the About tab. We have had requests for this information and hopefully it helps to answer questions you have about YOUR pool. Please also use our online Feedback Form below or through our website to let us know your thoughts and ideas.
Thank you for your patience and continued patronage. You are all essential to the maintenance and well-being of this valuable community resource.
Very Respectfully,
Jeremy Best
Barranca Mesa Pool Association