May 15, 2020 Update

Hello members,

We had hoped this e-mail update would be to give you a solid opening date! Instead, we're sending some general information about things that are developing for your pool. 

Please note: Specifics have not been sent out before now, because we have no guidance from the state on COVID Safe Practices for pools. (We still have very little to work with; for planning purposes, we are looking at guidance put out for other types of businesses to find a starting point.) This is all subject to change as we receive guidance from NMED.

  • Thank you to everyone who has sent in their assessment. Our Treasurer has been working overtime to revise this season's budget based on different scenarios. If you would like specifics, please feel free to reach out to her (Jenn Best). If the pool is closed for the season due to not enough members paying their assessments, lack of member participation, or restrictions from the state, it may be possible for members who have paid to request a partial refund. If we are closed, all assessments will be due for fixed costs and that information will be available later this month.

  • With the new modifications to the Public Health Order, there will not be a work party on 16 May. (Please refer to:

  • Any new policies and rules, once determined and approved by NMED, will be posted on our website as well as at the pool.

  • Staff will be required to comply with the rules of NM's COVID Safe Practices for Employers until revised or cancelled (i.e., wearing masks unless on stand, completing a health screening before their shift, etc.).

  • We are looking into purchasing an online scheduling system that will assist in fair pool time for all members, as well as color-coded wristbands for members to wear for different blocks of time. It is possible our pool days will be shortened because of this. Depending on the capacity at which the pool is allowed to operate (to be determined by the state's gating criteria), weekly limits for members may be required. We are also considering how to build in "free time" in addition to the scheduled time slots, where members will be able to come on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • No snack bar.

  • No group swim lessons.

  • No shared toys/goggles/pool noodles, etc. Deck chairs may or may not be available. If they can be set out, it is likely that distance must be maintained between them, and members will be required to wipe them down prior to use and after use with a provided disinfectant.

  • Entry/exit doors will remain open while the pool is open to minimize surfaces touched.

  • The Board will continue to request guidance from NMED regarding social distancing requirements and how to most effectively comply.

  • NMED's preliminary guidance on showers is to allow quick showers before getting in the water to comply with current state law; but, showers will not be allowed after getting out of the pool.

  • We need a volunteer to set up a new Facebook page for us. There is no access to the current page, and it would allow us to get bits of information out to members in a more timely manner.

Thanks for your comments, ideas, and suggestions.


Your BMPA Board