Memberships are available!

June 14, 2020 Update - Pool Open!

Bear with us, this is a very lengthy update!

- The pool has passed the NMED inspection. The board met again on Wednesday evening. We discussed what other local pools are doing right now as well as the poll results, countless comments and emails, and the budget. Barranca Mesa Pool will be opening on 15 June.

- The board is currently putting in long volunteer hours--more than 75 hours each week collectively--and working to get everything in place as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience while you wait for responses to your calls, emails, or FB comments. If you have questions or need information, please reach out to a board member and not the general pool phone number.

- With the pool opening, assessments are due 1 July. Per the Association's Bylaws/Rules and Regulations, all members must pay the same amount during the fiscal year. There is no opt-out assessment. The possibility of a partial refund is still being worked through. Until we have a better grasp of what the finances will look like, we cannot make a determination of what a refund amount could be. It is nearly impossible at present to predict how much lower expenses will be this summer. There are variables for the entire season (hours of operation, more guards when recreational swim is allowed vs less guards for lane swimming, etc.) and it will likely change a few times before the pool is closed. Roughly two weeks into what would have been the beginning of the summer season, payroll is the only expense not currently being paid out as budgeted (based on last year's numbers, we have not paid $6500 for payroll). Rent, insurance, administration fees (stamps and paper for newsletters, business license from the County, NMED inspection, etc.), utilities, chemicals, maintenance, capital expenses, and supplies are still being paid (to date: $49,000).

Please note: If your assessment is not paid this year, both 2020 and 2021 assessments will be due next summer to keep your membership in good standing. This is part of the Membership Policy and Bylaws/Rules and Regulations. The pool is a community resource and everyone who purchases a membership collectively owns a portion of it. If you are not able or comfortable using the pool this summer, finding a renter will allow you to recoup the assessment cost. If the pool is no longer something you or your family enjoys (i.e., you have moved away or you prefer different outdoor recreation, etc.), please let us know. Our Membership Chair was responsible for contacting more than 20 delinquent members earlier this year and we would like to help connect you with a renter or a buyer for your membership.



The Public Health Order signed 1 June 2020 allows Barranca Mesa Pool to open for lane swimming (ages 9 and up) and 2-students-per-instructor swim lessons. New Mexico Environment Department issued our operating license for this season after these procedures and policies were discussed with the inspector.

To reserve a time slot for lane swimming or swim lessons, visit our website:

All reservations will be 45 minutes long and available to members in good standing. During this trial week, please only schedule 2 weekday times and 1 weekend time per member family. We will adjust this number as needed. Sign up will be available 7 days in advance.

  • Members should arrive 5 minutes before their scheduled time slot to check in. Late arrivals will not be able to extend their swim time due to cleaning/sanitizing protocols.

  • The deep end (below the diving boards) will be set up for afternoon and evening lane swimming. Diving boards are off limits.

  • The shallow end will be for morning lane swimming and semi-private swim lessons during the afternoon and evening. The slide is off limits. Parents can reserve an available time slot to teach 2 of their children or contact an off-duty lifeguard who is currently offering private swim lessons (you will pay them a lesson fee directly). We cannot offer group swim lessons per state guidelines. There will be kickboards with lesson goals that parents can check out.

Swim lessons include: helping children be comfortable in water; practicing water entry; diving for rings; practicing floating or swim strokes, etc. Swim lessons do not include: splashing other students; screaming and yelling; playing with toys like squirt guns.

  • Come to the pool ready to swim. Shower at home and wear your suit. Showers are closed and restroom use is limited.

  • The Snack Bar is closed; please bring your own water if you’ll need it.

  • No toys allowed. Goggles must be brought from home. Kickboards can be checked out for lane swimming or lessons. Diving rings can be checked out for lessons.

  • Guests are not allowed at this time.

  • Please listen to the lifeguards!

  • A COVID-19 waiver must be signed by each membership family.

  • Members are encouraged to wear face masks prior to and during check in as well as upon exit. (No masks allowed in the water.)

  • While waiting to check in, please maintain distance between you and fellow members who are also waiting.

  • If you are teaching your own children lessons in the water, stay with them and try to maintain distance from other families who are also working on swimming skills.

Thanks for your patience! These policies will be adjusted as things change on the state level and members will be updated as soon as possible.

Your BMPA Board


(Subject to change)

Monday - Thursday

6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Lane Swimming

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lane Swimming and Lessons

5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Lane Swimming and Lessons

Friday - Sunday

10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Lane Swimming and Lessons
